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menage de printemps
Entretien Maison

Comment réussir son ménage de printemps ?

Découvrez les secrets d'un ménage de printemps réussi avec Andrée Jardin ! Optez pour des produits de nettoyage responsables et suivez nos conseils pratiques pour un nettoyage efficace de haut en b...

Entretien MaisonPince à linge en inox ou bois : laquelle choisir ?

Stainless steel or wooden clothes peg: which one to choose?

Clothes pegs, also known as clothespins, are essential tools for anyone who wants to hang clothes to dry. There are two main types of clothes pegs, stainless steel and wooden. While both types serv...

Entretien MaisonComment nettoyer et dépoussiérer un radiateur ?

How to Clean Dust from Inside Radiators ?

It is important to clean dust from inside radiators. Here are our tips for keeping your radiator looking new!

Entretien MaisonBalai et accessoires ménagers Andrée Jardin

How to Sweep Your Floors the Correct Way

Keeping your home clean is essential. Starting with the floors, which are a must for any cleaning and sweeping session. But you don't have to spend all day on them: you just have to know how to do ...

Entretien MaisonComment entretenir son plumeau ?

How to Clean Your Feather Duster ?

"As Michel Audiart said so well in Les Tontons Flingueurs, "Housework is not without nobility! All Andrée Jardin feather dusters are made of real ostrich feathers.  They are used to dust anyth...

Entretien MaisonPourquoi choisir un balai Andrée Jardin pour faire son ménage ?

Why choose a Andrée Jardin broom ?

A broom, a household accessory that can not be beautiful ? At Andrée Jardin, design is an essential part of our household accessories.

Entretien MaisonDécouvrez le ramasse-bourrier fabriqué en Pays de La Loire !

Andrée Jardin's Dustpan & Handbrush sets

Our minimalistic looking dustpan and handbrush sets will fit perfectly into your stylish home. Clean in style with Andrée Jardin.