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How to take care of your body?

Treat your skin to the pleasure of a natural routine. Explore our Andrée Jardin set, including a massage brush, a naturally foaming cotton sponge, and a recycled glass pumice stone, for an enrichin...

BeautéComment prendre soin de sa peau en hiver ?

How to take care of your skin in winter?

Find out how to protect and revitalize your skin in winter with simple tips like dry exfoliation

BeautéRoutine visage zéro déchet : se démaquiller en 3 étapes !

Zero Waste Makeup Remover in 3 steps !

The key to a perfect complexion? Remove your makeup. Without a good evening routine to remove makeup and impurities accumulated throughout the day, your pores become clogged and your skin suffers p...

BeautéPourquoi utiliser une brosse à cheveux en Poils de sanglier ?

Why you should use a boar bristle hairbrush

Brushing your hair is a daily activity whose benefits for both your scalp and your hair are often underestimated. This is why it is advisable to use a good hairbrush.

BeautéComment nettoyer sa brosse à cheveux en poils de sanglier ?

How to clean your boar bristle hairbrush?

Hairbrushes and combs are probably the hair accessories that we use the most... but like many everyday objects, we sometimes forget that they also need to be cleaned!