The guide to the EPV “Living Heritage Company” Label

Andrée Jardin is labeled Living Heritage Company, a label highlighting unique companies that know how to reconcile innovation and tradition. You want to know more ? Here is our guide to the EPV Label.

What is the EPV label?

Living Heritage Company (EPV) is an official French label, created in 2005 , initially issued under the authority of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and henceforth by the National Institute of Crafts (INMA).

It is accessible to companies carrying out production , processing , repair or catering activities, excluding the agricultural and fishing sectors.

The “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” label is a mark of recognition from the State, set up to distinguish French companies among others, and industrial and artisanal know-how of excellence .

Since its creation in 2005, the EPV label has highlighted unique companies that know how to reconcile innovation and tradition, know-how and creation, work and passion, heritage and the future, local and 'international.

Awarded for a renewable period of 5 years , this label brings together manufacturers sharing a certain vision of the activities that should be those of their company: the high performance of their profession and their products, permanent attention to internal training, an innovative approach technically and socially and a dynamic commercial strategy.

It is the only State label awarded to a company for its entire activity, and guaranteeing the excellence of its know-how.

Objectives and advantages of the EPV label

EPV-certified companies know how to reconcile tradition and innovation , know-how and creation, work and passion, heritage and the future, local and international. It is a guarantee of quality for consumers, clients and prescribers who are looking for a professional recognized for their respect for the profession and their aptitude for exceptionalism.

This label can bring national or even international media coverage to a company, promote its development and can be accompanied by an advantageous tax regime.

The INMA website lists all the benefits at this address

A label that supports “made in France”

Living Heritage Companies maintain their production activity in France , in sectors with high added value. They are mostly present on international markets and thus export emblematic French know-how. They are representative of the spirit and know-how “made in France” and forge the French economic and cultural identity.

By calling on the know-how of a certified company, customers and prescribers support the maintenance and development of these prestigious activities in France, in order to secure and consolidate long-term, non-relocated jobs.

Where can I find the list of certified companies?

Living Heritage Companies are divided between Industrial, Medical and Mechanical Equipment, Tableware, Culture & Communication, Gastronomy, Architecture & Built Heritage, Fashion & Beauty, Furniture & Decoration , Leisure & Transport.

To date, there are 1,186 companies with the EPV label and 229 companies in the process of renewing the label.

Labeled companies currently represent nearly 65,000 jobs and a cumulative annual turnover of more than 14.6 billion euros.

The list of EPV companies is available on the government website and those currently being renewed at this address .

How can a company apply for the EPV Label?

To benefit from the label, companies must meet at least two of the criteria in each of the following three categories:

1. Criteria indicating the holding of specific economic assets (and/or):

  • The company has rare equipment, tools, machines, models and technical documentation.
  • The company holds industrial property rights related to its products, services or production equipment;
  • The company implements an active approach to creation or innovation that can generate a significant customer network.

2. Criteria indicating the possession of rare know-how based on mastery of traditional or high-tech techniques (and/or):

  • The company has specific know-how, held by a small number of companies, contributing significantly to its added value produced;
  • The company trains employees internally, particularly apprentices, in know-how that is not directly accessible through usual training channels or concerns small training streams;
  • The company employs one or more employees who collectively possess excellent know-how with a creative or innovative dimension, justified either by titles, diplomas or high-level awards, or by professional experience of significant duration. allowing complex work to be carried out.

3. Criteria indicating the geographical location, the reputation of the company or the exercise of a social responsibility approach (and/or):

  • The company ensures production in its historic basin or has been established in its current location for more than fifty years or is established in premises which have historical or architectural value
  • The company has a well-known name or brand, in particular because it benefits from national distinctions or is the subject of reference publications, or because it works on property belonging to heritage protected under the historical monuments or on objects or furniture stamped to perpetuate a stylistic trend or because it manufactures products reflecting the cultural identity of its territory;
  • The company pursues a social responsibility approach through, for example, actions to promote its professions to young audiences or a responsible sourcing policy favoring short circuits, etc.

The application is made via the INMA website:

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